Nice charting! Thanks for sharing this.
Great data, and props to you for tracking all this so carefully.
I rarely use Eco mode and find Normal Mode is the best overall. It coasts better and gives me better MPG.
Ira said:
I rarely use Eco mode and find Normal Mode is the best overall. It coasts better and gives me better MPG.
If you’re on the highway, give Eco mode a try with cruise control! Seems to accelerate more smoothly.
I actually find it risky… if traffic jams up, you need that extra acceleration power to avoid accidents. On the highway, I don’t see much advantage to Eco mode.
Ira said:
I rarely use Eco mode and find Normal Mode is the best overall. It coasts better and gives me better MPG.
I get what you’re saying. Coasting to lights feels better in Normal Mode, but I sometimes switch to Eco to slow down more smoothly instead of braking.
I drive a bit faster off the lights to charge the battery better, so when I switch to cruise control, it runs on full electric mode longer. Hard acceleration actually rewards me with longer electric driving.
What’s your average MPG with that method?
Gale said:
What’s your average MPG with that method?
Usually mid 40s to 60. I take a photo almost every trip! Over 6,500 miles now, and it still surprises me every time.
Gale said:
What’s your average MPG with that method?
I fill up around the quarter tank mark, which is about 10 gallons for me, and get over 500 miles each time. Winter drops it a bit since we use the heat, but last winter, I still stayed above 40 MPG. Summer’s been a lot of fun; it really likes that fast start and coasting with cruise control.
Is that at an average of like 12 MPH?
Haha yeah, stop lights and traffic. Just running errands.
I take 400-mile highway trips every few months. I set my tire pressure to 44 PSI and cruise around 70-72 MPH. I get around 36-37 MPG with light AC use.
Around town, I hit low 40s. That’s probably about as good as you can get with the truck’s profile. My wife’s 14-year-old Prius still gets about 45 MPG on the highway.
Same here! You’ll see a dip on my chart where I made a 1,200-mile trip each way through the Appalachian mountains. The way down, the truck was nearly empty, but coming back, it was fully loaded. You can definitely see the MPG drop with the extra weight.
Love this truck, though!
Really impressive data analysis.
Thanks for sharing! I also see those dips whenever I take a highway trip but hadn’t marked it out as clearly as you did. Nice work!
This is awesome, OP. You’re a hero.
Fantastic job! I’m doing something similar, currently on month 17. Your data tracking has way more details than mine. Curious, did you log every drive or just at fill-ups?