Do You Use Winter Fuel Additives?

Is it really worth using a fuel additive in the winter, or is it unnecessary?

Nope, fuel already comes as a winter blend. Cold isn’t really a problem unless it’s like -40 or colder.

Chen said:
Nope, fuel already comes as a winter blend. Cold isn’t really a problem unless it’s like -40 or colder.

I drove through -40 last year without using any additives. My gas mileage got worse, but my car still managed a 3.5-hour drive.

Wind chill only affects people, not objects like cars. -40 is still just -40 no matter how windy it is.

Just don’t let your tank get below 1/4 full. That way, condensation won’t build up. Modern gas with 10% ethanol already prevents water issues, so no need for additives like Heet.

I only use Stabil for vehicles I’m putting into storage. That’s it.

Not for the fuel, but a good ice scraper is a must.

No, I don’t bother.

Lol, no. Unless you’re storing it for months, then maybe consider it.