I came across this article claiming the Ford Maverick is one of the worst deals right now. They’re basing it on average dealer markups over MSRP. Personally, I’m not sure I buy it. What’s everyone else think? Have you seen these markups or is it just clickbait?
Honestly, that article seems like nonsense. I haven’t seen any crazy markups around here.
Toni said:
Honestly, that article seems like nonsense. I haven’t seen any crazy markups around here.
Yeah, that’s kind of what I thought too. Do you think it’s just clickbait?
Toni said:
Honestly, that article seems like nonsense. I haven’t seen any crazy markups around here.
Yeah, that’s kind of what I thought too. Do you think it’s just clickbait?
For sure. They’re probably just trying to get clicks. Most Mavericks I’ve seen are at or below MSRP.
Maybe if the MSRP was higher, discounts would look bigger, and people would feel better about their deals lol.
Remi said:
Maybe if the MSRP was higher, discounts would look bigger, and people would feel better about their deals lol.
Haha, true! Bigger discounts always make people feel like they’re getting a steal.
Why do people even read Jalopnik? They’re like the National Enquirer of car news.
Martinez said:
Why do people even read Jalopnik? They’re like the National Enquirer of car news.
You’re not wrong. I don’t usually bother with them, but the headline caught my eye this time.
Haters gonna hate. I’m not even clicking on that article. No point giving them the traffic.
Frost said:
Haters gonna hate. I’m not even clicking on that article. No point giving them the traffic.
Fair enough. Probably a good call not to give them the clicks.
I looked at other trucks like the Tacoma and Ranger before I picked my Maverick Lariat AWD. Paid a little more for the color I wanted, but I’m happy with it!
Devan said:
I looked at other trucks like the Tacoma and Ranger before I picked my Maverick Lariat AWD. Paid a little more for the color I wanted, but I’m happy with it!
Out of curiosity, do you change your profile picture every day? Or is there more than one ‘Che’ here?
Haha, nope, it’s just me. I like switching it up now and then.
The article is just going by average markups over MSRP. High demand is why, and there are plenty of dealers not doing markups.
Jai said:
The article is just going by average markups over MSRP. High demand is why, and there are plenty of dealers not doing markups.
Good point. If people shop around, they can probably avoid markups altogether.
This is just clickbait. Mavericks are a solid deal if you find a good dealer.