Is the Maverick a "Truck"?

People arguing about ‘truck frames’ forget that all cars used to be body-on-frame too. When technology advances, we don’t stop calling cars ‘cars.’

Why should trucks be any different?

I haul more in my Maverick than half the dudes with lifted F-250s ever do.

It’s a compact pickup.

My uncle, who was a trucker, always said: ‘A real truck has 18 wheels.’

By your friend’s logic, it’s a truck built on a car frame.

Ford made unibody F-100s in the 1960s. Nobody argued those weren’t trucks.

If the Maverick is a ‘UTE’ because of its construction, then what’s the Ridgeline? A ‘mid-size sedan with a tailgate’?

Illinois requires the Maverick to use B-truck plates, which are for vehicles under 8,000 lbs. Sounds like a truck to me.

In the ‘90s, small trucks were the size of the Maverick. The only difference is today’s trucks have ballooned in size.

Ford just made the right-sized truck again.

Tell your friend he’s compensating for something.

Who cares? It hauls, it tows, it works.

It’s a truck. End of story.