A study claims most Americans want higher fuel economy standards for cars and trucks, but is that what they actually care about? Let’s discuss.
People buy giant SUVs and trucks, but they say they want better fuel efficiency? Makes no sense to me.
Jordan said:
People buy giant SUVs and trucks, but they say they want better fuel efficiency? Makes no sense to me.
with poor fuel economy.
Not true for hybrids. They’re flying off the lots right now.
Hybrid drivers aren’t the ones complaining about gas prices. I have a regular sedan, and even I don’t complain. But I bet those with big trucks and SUVs feel differently.
Farley said:
Hybrid drivers aren’t the ones complaining about gas prices. I have a regular sedan, and even I don’t complain. But I bet those with big trucks and SUVs feel differently.
I drive a small 4-cylinder car from 2008, and I’m definitely complaining.
How much is gas where you live? I’m curious.
Farley said:
How much is gas where you live? I’m curious.
I live in California, and gas is over $5. It’s brutal.
I also have a 4-cylinder from 2007, but I’m fine with current prices. Maybe I just drive less.
Farley said:
Hybrid drivers aren’t the ones complaining about gas prices. I have a regular sedan, and even I don’t complain. But I bet those with big trucks and SUVs feel differently.
Gas near me is $2.69. Even my old 2001 F-350 is fine with these prices, and it only gets about 15MPG.
Gas prices haven’t changed much in 20 years when adjusted for inflation. People love to overreact.
Aki said:
Gas prices haven’t changed much in 20 years when adjusted for inflation. People love to overreact.
Agreed. People just blame gas prices because they hear it all over social media or news. It’s the easiest thing to point at when things feel expensive.
Aki said:
Gas prices haven’t changed much in 20 years when adjusted for inflation. People love to overreact.
For those interested, here’s a chart showing gas prices over the decades adjusted for inflation: Alternative Fuels Data Center: Maps and Data - Average Annual Retail Fuel Price of Gasoline
Farley said:
Hybrid drivers aren’t the ones complaining about gas prices. I have a regular sedan, and even I don’t complain. But I bet those with big trucks and SUVs feel differently.
I have a gas-guzzling truck, and even with $4 gas, it’s cheaper than trading it for something new. Paid-off cars are better than car payments.
That’s fair. Car payments can hurt more than gas prices.
Farley said:
Hybrid drivers aren’t the ones complaining about gas prices. I have a regular sedan, and even I don’t complain. But I bet those with big trucks and SUVs feel differently.
I bought a Jeep with horrible mileage. Can’t complain because that was my choice.
People want big cars that are also fuel-efficient. They want everything without compromise.
Jordan said:
People buy giant SUVs and trucks, but they say they want better fuel efficiency? Makes no sense to me.
Americans don’t necessarily need 50MPG. They’re happy with 30MPG if it means they get cargo space and ground clearance.
Ford Maverick fits that description perfectly.
Do people want better standards, or do they just want to pay less for gas?
Conn said:
Do people want better standards, or do they just want to pay less for gas?
Good point. If people cared so much, trucks wouldn’t dominate the market. They’d be buying hybrids and small cars.